English version by Peter Riethof andCarlos Montalbán transcript. Featuring the voice talents of BretMorrison and a whole cast of New Yorker VAs whose names we could notidentify.





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They're all so gay!

Do you think they will dance all night?

Mmm, yes.

Etsuko, shall we dance?

Yes, I would like to!


Ryoichi, why don't you dance withHiroko?

Brother! Ryoichi!

Wait! What is the matter with you? Haveyou no regard for Hiroko's feelings? Tell me, why all of a sudden doyou break off your engagement to her? Dr. Adachi's also very worried;about your strange behavior.

I'm sorry, but I, cannot marry anyonenow. I must, stay here in this village.

But what can you, a physical astronomerdo here?

Look! It's a forest fire, quick!

Where's my brother?

I don't know. He ran toward the fire!

Look at those trees burn! Come, we mustget over there!

The hill is too steep!

Get off! Push! Come on!

Wait, who's that?


It's Ryoichi Shiraishi!

You better go back! All of you! Thatfire's extremely dangerous!

We can't just let it burn like that! {unintelligible}

The fire might burn down the wholeforest!

You'll lose your lives!

It would be worth it to save the trees!Go ahead, we'll follow you!


Go ahead!

We're going to put out the fire!

Look! All the trees, they're burningfrom their roots!

He's right! There's something strangeabout this forest fire!

I'm going home!

So am I!

This way!

No, the other way!


The smoke! I can't breathe!



Careful now!

The smoke!

Come on!

Over here!

Help! Help!


The smoke!

I can't breathe!




Careful now!

The smoke!

Over here!


Excuse me, Mr. Atsumi is here to seeyou.

Oh, how are you?

I must speak with you.

Please, inside.

Ryoichi behaves as if he's lost hismind.

I wonder what he's up to in a villagelike that.

Hmm. I asked me to give you this.

Huh, so he's still at it. Study ofMysteroid.

And what is Mysteroid.

The name of a star.

You know, there's a group of smallstars between Mars and Saturn, and according to Mr. Shiraishi'stheory, this was once a large planet, a long, long time ago. He callsit Mysteroid, star of mystery.

Doctor, don't tell me you acceptRyoichi Shiraishi's theory?

No, I am not quite that radical.

Hm. I find this extremely odd.

What, Doctor?

That a man like Shiraishi shouldsuddenly hand in a thesis, that is only half complete.

Hello? Yes you may. Just one moment.It's for you! The university calling.

Oh, for me? Thank you. Atsumi speaking.What? Huh? Near Fuji? What's the name of the town? Yes, yes, thankyou.

There was a landslide in the town whereRyoichi's staying!

What? I hope he is safe...

Unofficially, I think there's somethingunnatural about this.

Why, what do you mean?

There is a large amount ofradioactivity.

Oh? Is that so?

Mmm. The entire village was destroyedcompletely, in not more than a minute. Not ever one person survived.

Let us go over there, sir.


That's strange, entirely different fromyesterday.

How do you do?

I'm glad you came, sir.

Huh, look at that!

We're not sure this is the originalsite of the shrine; if it is, the village which was to the north,would be over there, and untouched. It's as though, everything wasput in a big washing machine, and whirled around.

We've found no radioactivity.

That's strange. There was yesterday.Definitely.

You sure?

Yes, sir.

What do you say to that?

Move on.

Was Mr. Shiraishi here for his health?

Yes. He was such a valuablescientist...

Would you like to see the ruins of theforest fire?

Yes, I would.

What is that?

Let's go see.

The fish are all dead!

They just float down stream! See? See?Look!

I want to go back now.

Hmm. Carry on.

Stay here, stay here.

Something is burning.

The tire.

Ah! The road is hot!


High radioactivity.


{Miyamoto screams} It's alive!We must get out of here! Hurry! Hurry!

{Miyamoto screams}

This way! Hurry!

Mr. Atsumi, a lady named EtsukoShiraishi from Tokyo is waiting for you at the hotel.

Thank you.

Sir, these men have seen it.

Tell me about it. What do you think itis? I understand even a pistol had no effect on it!

I can't describe it...

What about, the army?

They've been sent already.

{Phone rings} Hello. What? It's at the power plant?

That's near here!

What was that? Hello? Hello? Hello?!

Etsuko! Etsuko!


Get out of there, hurry!

No report from the first battalion?What? How about the third? Uh-huh. Just a moment. Sir?

Oh. Yes. Uh? Uh. Send a defense unit tothe town. Immediately. I said immediately!

Please follow instructions carefully!Everyone, proceed in an orderly manner and take refuge in thecountryside!

I think there's some connection betweenthis, and what Ryoichi was studying!

Do you think so?

Cross the railroad bridge quickly, thisis our line of defense! Cross the railroad bridge quickly!

Cross the bridge quickly, this is ourline of defense! Cross the bridge quickly!

Cross the bridge quickly! Cross thebridge quickly!

Everyone cross the bridge! Everyonecross the bridge! Everyone cross the bridge, quickly! Everyone crossthe bridge, quickly!

What are they?

Get ready.


The forest fire, the landslide, and themonster. There is no longer any doubt, each is the work of a human orsuperhuman intelligence. This is a, blasted fragment of the monster.Analysis shows, this is a kind of chemical product. And not onlythat, it also, consists of certain strange ingredients never beforeknown to man. The monster was not alive. It was a robot guided byelectric waves. Who then, made this infernal machine, and made it forwhat purpose? Unfortunately, up to the present time, we have not beenable to answer that.


Exactly as described in the Shiraishireport. Strange things are happening behind the moon.

Are they guided by an intelligence

Don't know. But take a photograph, huh.

Right sir.

Came at the right moment. RyoichiShiraishi made an important discovery. It is possible that all theseweird events can be explained by the Shiraishi report.

Doctor, the photographs.

Definitely the chemical phenomenon.

Could they be firing a kind of rocket?

Can't say yet for sure. But accordingto the Shiraishi report, something lands on the moon and then takesoff to a kind of satellite, and from the satellite to Earth.

Doctor, by the bridge I saw such flyingsaucers!

You're sure?

Ryoichi's sister was with me, and shesaw them.

Why have you been silent until now?

A scientist, should not talk untilpositive.

There are times when we cannot wait tobe positive. This involves the fate of the human race. We cannotthink of our own honor or shame. Tomorrow, I will make the Shiraishireport public, and appeal to all scientists of the world. Now, tellme the exact details of what you saw.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Shiraishi's theory is that thislake is being used as a takeoff and landing port for the flyingsaucers. I understand no fish are caught here, and sometimes a hugespout of water arises.

Oh, Doctor, look over there!

Into the cars.

Attention, Earth people. We wish toavoid all senseless warfare. We wish to negotiate terms, with thefollowing five persons. Genjiro Adachi, Masao Noda, Tautomo Koda,Jyoji Atsumi, Nobuo Kawanami.

They know everybody's names...

We must go, if only to find out whatkind of men they are.

Please sir, guarding you is ourresponsibility.

I, uh, agree with Dr. Adachi. I do notthink they will harm in the way he talks.


Officer, we will be responsible forourselves.

Do you guarantee the lives of thesefive men?

Have no fear! They will not be harmed!

We must report this, come!

They're moving toward it now. Yes,every man is at his station. Right. We shall prepare for the attackimmediately.

Because of the extreme difference oftemperature and atmospheric pressure within, we advise you to put onthe special clothing you find, inside the entrance.


It gives me great pleasure, to greetsuch distinguished scientists from the Earth. When you discovered ourarrival on Earth, you immediately attacked us, without reason. Weonly wanted to demonstrate the strength of our science, to show you,how foolish it is, to fight.

Where are you from?

We are from the fifth planet, whichyour Ryoichi Shraishi, named, Mysteroid.

Even if such a planet did exist, itshould have exploded tens of thousands of years ago.

Yes. Over a hundred thousand years ago,as the result of a great nuclear war, among the Mysterians. But someof our ancestors escaped in time, and they migrated to Mars.

That's amazing!

The field of science recognizes noborderlines; national, racial, or global. As scientists, I'm sure youwill agree with that. Your people wish to war against us. We hope,they will not. We developed hydrogen bombs, while the Earth, wasstill in its stone age. If Earthmen attack us, with Hydrogen bombs,we shall reply, with hydrogen bombs. That would mean, destruction, ofthe Earth.

Why are you here? What is your purpose?

Earth people have launched, artificialsatellites, and are preparing the conquer the moon, and Mars. Ourambitions are much more modest. We do not wish to colonize. Werequire only three kilometers of land, on Earth, with, our presentlocation, as the center. This is for peaceful purposes of scientificstudy, and as a base, for further, exploration, of space. Also,because of Strontium-90, in our bodies, eighty percent, of ourchildren, are abnormal, at birth, and, we abandon them. Therefor, toincrease our population, and produce superior descendants, weMysterians, ask you to approve, our intermarrying with women ofEarth. We shall begin our project, with these five. Three of them,have already been obtained.

Impossible. It's impossible! You can't,get away with this!

We Mysterians are pacifists, to theend. This will terminate our conference, for today. We rely on theprudence, and good judgment, of all Earth scientists.

Gentlemen, the Mysterians request fromus an area only three kilometers in radius, but they've alreadyoccupied such an area, by force, without warning. They also requestour approval, of their freedom, to intermarry with us, but they'vealready seized several of our women. Therefor, although we may not beable to destroy them, we must make clear our determination to resist.We will take defensive actions according to plan. That will be all,gentlemen.

Emergency measures are being put intooperation against the Mysterians by our national defense force. Hereyou see units of the engineering corps, gathering near the base ofMt. Fuji. After attending a conference, of extreme importance, Dr.Adachi talks to the press.

The problem we now face, indeed,concerns, the fate of the entire human race. We intend to receive afinal decision on procedure, after the arrival of Dr. Svenson andDeGracia, of the United Nations.

This concludes our special news report.

Hello. Come in, come in.

The army has begun to march.

Do you think we can defeat theMysterians?

I must tell you something. Mysterianswant, to intermarry with our women.


How terrible...

Yes, and the two of you, are amongthose they want.

Please say that you are joking!

No, I'm not joking! Two soldiers havebeen assigned to you already, to protect you.


They must have taken your picture thatnight at the dance...

Yes, they did!

Here, on your television set!

It can't be...

As you see, I still live. Hello,Atsumi. I see that they are going to press the attack. They hadbetter not.

Tell them, it would be disastrous. Itis a scientist's duty to warn them.

Have the Mysterians forced you to saythis?

No. I am speaking of my own free willfor the benefit of the Earth. Mysterians only request a small area ofthree kilometers. Do not get excited. I beg you. I am a dedicatedscientist, and what I am doing is for the sake of science. All of ushere on Earth have been extremely arrogant about the development ofour science, but it cannot begin to compare with the almost,unbelievable accomplishments of the Mysterians. Please tell them notto attack, huh? If you want to talk to me again, just turn on thisset. Goodbye.


...must face the fact, the horrifyingfact, that the universe is no longer, a romantic infinity, but thedwelling place of living beings more advanced than we on Earth. It isnow imperative that all nations, regardless of difference, jointogether in this dangerous new era, that confronts the human race.

Ryoichi's in the Mysterians' dome.

What? How do you know?

He was on television.


Yes. He told me, we must stop theattack.

Why that's...amazing.

What should I do?

Preparations for the attack arecomplete.


Start sending signals.

Very good, sir.

Present position of reconnaissanceplanes, 2,0,0, longitude east 38 degrees, 47 minutes, latitudenorth, 35 degrees, 35 minutes.

Fire all guns.

Fire all guns!




According to the report from thetechnical science study group, the ray fired by the Mysterianscontains a strong gamma ray, of ten thousands roentgens per hour. Itssource energy is 10 to the 27th power Earth's. In other words, theMysterians' ray, has the same amount of destructive power, as had thegreat Earthquake of Kanto according to the information contained inthis report.

Is that possible?

Yes, sir.

Dear people of Earth. Dear people ofEarth. Mysterians do not want war. We are fighting, only inself-defense. We will stop fighting, if Earthmen stop attacking us.Dear people of Earth. We want only the three kilometers of land wenow occupy. We hope leaders of Earth, will grant us this smallrequest, and bring to an end the useless and wasteful fight.Mysterians wish for you, peace on Earth!

We were badly defeated, almost wipedout, sir.

Mmm... What do you make of it?

The scientific combat unit is having astaff meeting to discuss strategy, sir.

Have you any ideas that will help?

Yes, I believe I have. Saki, get adetailed report on the situation.

Yes, sir.

Sir, please look at this.

That's a...

Some men of my section planned it.

Amazing! An electronic cannon!

Whether they like it or not, Americanand the Soviet Union live on the same Earth. What is happening todayin Japan, will happen tomorrow in America, and the Soviet Union. Youcan be sure, that unless all people on Earth unite, to fight againstthe Mysterians, the entire human race will eventually be destroyed.If the Mysterians, ever gain a foothold on this planet, they willstart arriving here in great numbers. I ask you, would they have comesuch a distance, for only three kilometers of land?

This, is the plan.

When will it be ready?

Five hundred Earth hours, will besufficient.

Five hundred hours...

When the underground fort is completed,all of eastern Japan, will be under our control.

Oh, Dr. Svenson, Dr. DeGracia? May Iintroduce to you, General Morita.

How do you do General?

General, you have no doubt heard thatthe United States has launched an artificial satellite in Arizona, towatch the Mysterians. We expect to received valuable information.

I am informed it is carrying specialdevices, to detect spaceships carrying reinforcements to theMysterians. The United States will relay such information to us.


Do you know Ryoichi Shiraishi?

Oh, yes, yes. Last year I met him inGeneva.

Was that at the World Council ofUniverse Physicists?

Yes, that's right.

Do you want to talk to RyoichiShiraishi?

Huh? Is that possible?


Just like that, I pull out as many as Icare to.

Huh? What the?

I'm glad to see you.

You should be ashamed of what you aredoing!

I am a scientist. Mysterians are onlytrying to prevent mankind, from exploding the Earth, with atomic andhydrogen bombs.

Explain to us clearly your meaning.

The human race will destroy itself, forsure, within twenty years.

Within twenty years?

Twenty years. That would be, arepetition of the tragedy that happened to the fifth Mysteroidplanet. The Earth cannot be left in charge of man.

Do you want to rule the world?

Rule the world? Do not humans ruleinferior creatures with their science? This Universe Station, isorbiting as an artificial satellite, at an altitude of 42,000kilometers. The Universe Ships, which you call flying saucers, canfly over New York, London, Moscow, or Tokyo, whenever they wish.Mysterians have complete control over the Earth's atmosphere. But,who really controls the Earth? Mankind, or Mysterians? Neither,science rules.

There's no other way out. We must,defend ourselves. We must fight!

Yes, I agree with you, we have noalternative!

Next, the main weakness of theMysterians is that their dome, is without mobile power. This, has adirect bearing on another advantage for us, namely; We know theeffectiveness of their ray is greatly diminished by distance. Mylast point is that it is evident according to Dr. Adachi, thatMysterians have a low resistance to heat. Our strategy must be totake advantage of these weaknesses, and develop weapons of enormousheat. Thank you very much.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir, I'll call thecommander immediately and inform him, sir. Yes, sir.

What is it?

The Earth Forces!

Put on your glasses!

None of their saucers have appeared.Most peculiar.

The enemy's ray is reduced to half atthree thousand meters.

Beta One, Beta One, this is Tsugimotocalling. Attack from three thousand. Attack from three thousand.

All is quiet down in the atmosphere.

Alright, now!

Rockets away!

Are you alright?

Beta One, Beta One, continue theattack! Continue the attack!

Three thousand degrees of heat has noeffect on it. I would like to know its composition...

Calling Alpha, calling Alpha. This iscommanding headquarters. Cease fire and return immediately. Repeat,return immediately.

Perhaps, we shall be defeated by themafter all.

From below! Let's go.


I, I've heard the report.

Sir, unless we find a way deflect theirray we will lose!

When will the electronic cannon beready?

Sir, when we learn to assemble it on aplane it will be ready.

Act fast. Remember, not only for us.The entire world is anxiously waiting for it.

Yes, sir.

Your attention, please.

We now occupy a radius, of one hundredand twenty kilometers. We put you on notice. If any Earthman shouldenter, this territory, he will be ejected.

Since, this predicament, has beenforced upon us, and since, we have no alternative, I believe that weare no justified, in using nuclear bombs.

Dr. Kawanami, we must not use nuclearbombs. That was the Mysterians' great tragedy. It would mean theannihilation of the whole world.

Good news! Good news! The United Stateshas developed a new machine that might very well turn the tide!

A Markalite?

To put it in few words, this machineconsists of two major sections. One is a, reflector, and a ray gunthat has a diameter of nearly two hundred meters.

This is most amazing! It turns theenemy's ray right back and them, and at the same time, from thecenter, it fires a ray of its own that's almost equal in strength tothat of the Mysterians'. It's effective range, is 1.5 kilometers.

But that means, unless you build itright next to the enemy it cannot be effective.

And if we try to build it next to theenemy it will be destroyed before it is half completed.

That is right. That is the question;How to build it and how to transport it?

We must have a meeting of thecommittee, gentlemen.

Why not apply this principle to theairship, huh?

Yes, the Mysterians' ray could then berendered totally ineffective!

I shall call a meeting of thescientific group at once!


All quiet?

All quiet, sir.

Hiroko? Hiroko? Hiroko? {Etsukogasps}

Wait, don't shoot! Don't shoot!


Report this!

After studying the movements of theflying saucers, for the last few days, I believe we can take it forgranted that the Mysterians have almost completed their undergroundfortress. We cannot afford now to waste any more time! If theelectronic cannon cannot be completed on schedule, we must begin theattack solely with the Markalite!

But sir, the Markalite is onlyeffective for an hour and fifteen minutes! Only by using it with thenew cannon...

No. Even if we inflict only a smallamount of damage, it will delay completion of their undergroundfortress.

We will proceed with the attack. Doyour very best to have the cannon ready.

Yes, sir.

Now then, all cities and villageswithin a radius of a 120 kilometers, must be evacuated.

Very well.

The idea of sacrificing Etsuko andHiroko...is sickening. Still, I don't see how we could save them. I'mafraid there's nothing we can do.

Dr. Adachi, when I was in that valley,a piece of ground broke open. It was probably caused by theconstruction work. We might be able to use that as an entrance! I amnot afraid.

It is too late now. No one can cancelthe attack, not even I.

Hello? Uh? Opening fire with theMarkalite? Huh. What time will it arrive at Fuji? Uh-huh. Yes, Iunderstand... Mr. Atsumi!

Send it down now!


Second Markalite, is descending, and isabout to land.

Now, give them the ray!

The girls from Earth, where are they?Where are they? Speak!

Come with me. Quickly!

Markalite's weak!

We have only twenty minutes.

Twenty minutes...

Calling Beta Two, acknowledge. CallingBeta Two, acknowledge.

This is Beta Two, the electronic cannonis still not ready.

We urge you to cease fire immediately.If you do not cease fire, we shall take an action of revenge.

Alright, we will cease fire. But on onecondition; That all you Mysterians depart from this Earth.

Calling Beta Two, Calling Beta Two!Calling Beta Two!

Five minutes.

This is Beta Two calling, theelectronic cannon is now ready for use!

Take them with you and escape. Hurry!



Don't come closer! I shall neverreturn.


Please, say no more. Give this, to Dr.Adachi a soon as possible. It is the rest of my report. My study ofMysteroid is now complete.



I was betrayed by the Mysterians.

When this fortress is finished, theyplan to reduce Tokyo to ashes. They want to rule the Earth. Not forthe sake of science, but out of lust for power.


There is still something left for me todo. Goodbye.



Leave quickly! There will soon be anexplosion! And remember, even science has no value in itself! It alldepends on how it is used; For good, or for evil! The Mysterians haveused it for evil! It will be tragic if humanity repeats theirmistake! Leave now while there is still time!

Hurry, this way!

This is Beta Two calling, this is BetaTwo calling. We are about to enter the fighting zone.

One minute.

Get ready to fire.

Ready to fire.

Range set.

Range set.

Fire now.


Return, to Universe Station! Retreat,to Universe Station!

Ready, range set.

Range set.


Some escape. The nations of the worldmust now stay united. The struggle against unknown forces, instead offighting each other.

   Produced by

Tomoyuki Tanaka

Original Story by .. JOJIRO OKAMI

Adapted by Shigeru .. . SHIGERU KAYAMA

Screenplay by . . TAKESHIKIMURA

Photography by .HAJIME KOIZUMI

Art Direction by. TERUAKI ABE

Sound Recording by . . .



Music by. . . . AKAIRA IFUKUBE

Assistant Director. . . KOJI KAJITA

Sound Effects. . . ICHIRO MINAWA


Film Development. TOYO DEVELOPMENT

ProductionManager . . . .



                            HIDESABURO ARAKI


Art Direction .. . AKIRA WATANABE

Light Effects. . MASAO SHIRODA


English Version by




C a s t


































Director of Special

  PhotographicEffects . EIJI TSUBURAYA

  Directed by

Inoshiro Honda

