Dubbed at Ryder Sound, featuring the voice talents of Keye Luke, Marvin Miller, George Takei and James Yagi.
This is the blast of the hydrogen bomb, which has inaugurated a new and frightening era in the history of man. As the awesome mushroom cloud spirals upward into the outer reaches of space, a new terror becomes the instrument of man in the 20th century. More and equally deadly rockets and missiles are taking off daily into space, as man continues his scientific journey across civilization's strange and terrible road. Higher and higher they go, at dazzling speeds, seeking out their targets with their man made brains, and recording data for newer and more deadly experiments. As the missiles and rockets screen through the upper atmosphere, man hopes ultimately to reach other planets, seeking to find the answers to worlds outside his own. But as he attempts to unlock the mystery of the universe in which he dwells, are there not darker and more sinister secrets on this planet Earth still unanswered, still baffling and defying man? With each step forward does he not take several steps back? This then is the story, of the price of progress, to a little nation of people.
Original Story
Screen Play by
Photographed by . . . . . SEIICHI ENDO
Art Director . . . . . . . . . . TAKEO KITA
Assistant Art Director. TERUAKI ABE
Lighting . . . . . . MASAYOSHI ONUMA
Director and Film Editor
Music Editor . . . . . . . . REX LIPTON
Sound Effects Editor . . . AL SARNO
Kaiyo is pleasant little community near the city of Osaka in Japan. Its people are quiet, hardworking folk, some of whom labor in the fields. Though their methods might be called, huh, old fashioned, the people are content in what they are doing. They do not complain, for they have learned that hard work makes for happiness. Though the town is not what one might call prosperous, it is mainly supported by the fishing industry. The local cannery employs airplanes for scouting purposes. Their job is cruise low over the waters and try to seek out the big school of fish, where ever it can be found. Then the pilot scouts radio headquarters. My name is Tsukioka, and that's the sort of job I held down at the Kaiyo cannery. The job paid well, and I was most happy in my work, especially when directly below me, was a prized target. Thousands and thousands of tuna! I picked up my intercom.
K105, Tsukioka calling main office. I've spotted a big school of tuna! The sea is alive with them!
Go on!
34 degrees north, 136 degrees east, do you read me?
This is communications replying, we read you fine Tsukioka. Okay okay! We're sending the good word out right away!
Here, send this out.
In an instant, the word was flashed, the big tuna catch was found at last! After anxious weeks of waiting, it meant food, money, jobs, for all of us who depended on the fishing industry for our livelihood. From headquarters to our ship, went the message. Hopes were high in our hearts, and as I looked down, I could see the ship, responding and turning on a happy course. I reported back to headquarters, which meant I could hear the lovely voice of Hidemi, my sweetheart.
Ah, Tsukioka, are you tired my dear?
Not too tired to go dancing with you tonight!
Alright, alright, come to the house early, you see. Papa's loaning me the car.
Someday, I'm going to be in love like that. Take me?
I can't, get your own guy.
Kiss me again, I'm all yours!
Silly girl, always clowning.
There was another plane scouting the sea for the same company. It was piloted by my buddy Kobayashi. He too was scouting at approximately the same time, when suddenly he ran into trouble with his engine. An oil line had acted up, and the engine started sputtering. Kobayashi decided to call into headquarters.
Pilot Kobayashi calling, I'm having engine trouble! I'm going to have to make an emergency landing!
Position, position, Kobayashi, state your position!
Engine conking out over Iwato Island! Engine dead, engine dead!
Here I am cut off(?)!
Kobayashi, Kobayashi, hold on! Kobayashi, Kobayashi!
Tsukioka, Tsukioka, Kobayashi, he's having to ditch at Iwato! See if you can help him.
Eh, where is he now?
Over Iwato Island!
Okay, Okay, I'll see if I can find out where he's at.
Papa! Papa!
What's the matter my dear?
Kobayashi's conked out!
Oh? What did you say?
I tried to remain calm, as I looked desperately for a sign of my friend Kobayashi's plane. I sped through a bank of clouds which made my vision difficult and momentarily impossible. Then as I flew through the haze, I looked anxiously below, searching, searching, searching... There was no sign of him, and suddenly there it was; Iwato Island, a barren bleak series of uninhabited rocks, which nature had created out of, volcano formations. No fishing fleet had ever ventured near this point. As I studied the terrain, I could see it was isolated, rocky, lonely. Nothing seemed to live in this area! There seemed to be no sign of my friend Kobayashi, and as I looked down, I realized he could not land in a treacherous spot such as this, but there was always the chance, that he ditched his plan in shallow water. I flew closer to the peaks, and saw below me a cave-like formation. Kobayashi started looking aloft, since he had heard my motor. My heart leaped with joy when I saw him and his plane, which rested on a watery shoreline. I continued circling the area frantically as I passed over. From the cave-like interior, he waved back happily! I stared waving!
Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyy there!
I made an overhead pass toward the rocky slopes, looking for the best place to land. I would maneuver around and come down alongside his plane, which seemed in good condition. I decided to try for a shallow putdown.
Tsukioka reporting, I've spotted Kobayashi's plane, he's alive. I'm going to try for a landing.
Tsukioka, Tsukioka, watch it dear.
Tsuki, hold on, hold on!
I reduced my speed and landed with the help of my pontoon equipment. I could hardly wait to see Kobayashi! We built a fire, and then I noticed his injured wrist.
Tell me, hurt much?
Not very much, just a sprain I think. I'm glad you lost no time in getting here!
When you get to town, you might go to a store and get the girls a present.
Down boy, I guess I honestly wouldn't know what to buy!
Hahahahaha, trying to please a women is like swimming the ocean!
[both laugh]
[both scream in terror]
Koby(?), let's get out of here!
Out that way! C'mon, follow me!
We gotta get out!
You're right, what are those things?
I don't know.
Okay, let's make a break!
We dashed out of our hiding place, through the rocky cavern as the monsters still fought underwater, creating a spout of bubbling foam. We flew back in my plane to the city of Osaka, and immediately rushed to police headquarters, where we proceeded to give the authorities a full report of what we had just seen. A conference was hurriedly called with the police and scientists, who immediately showed us photographs of every known prehistoric monster. We started going through them together as the authorities watched us intently.
Oh, this is it, here!
Let me see it!
This is bad. This is bad! Every lesson we've ever learned has told us this. Horrors in the world of science are part of nature's plan. One of these animals is a Gigantis born millions of years ago!
So, wouldn't that open worlds new to you all?
So, a new book came out and we learned so much, and it is called, "Anguilosarurs, Killer of the Living".
Take a look at this, it's a picture. Anguilosaurus, a monster commonly known as the Angurus. A specimen of giant reptile who roamed the earth millions of years ago. Murderers, original plundering murderers, who killed everything in their way! These creatures ruled the earth at one time, then disappeared suddenly. I'll read you what it says, "Enormous in its size, tremendous in its strength. Somewhere, although it is not known when, these creatures may come alive after years of hibernation, due to radioactive fallout. He has brains in several parts of his body, including, the head, abdomen and the chest. He is a member of the Angurus family of fire monsters and can wipe out the human race." These boys saw both Gigantis and Angurus.
Gentlemen, Dr. Yamane has flown in from Tokyo. Perhaps he can show us the way to destroy the Gigantis monster of the Angurus family. Dr. Yamane?
Gentlemen, who is there among us who knows the way to destroy, Gigantis? There is no way. None that I happen to know of, not one. I'm afraid there's no weapon to kill the monster. I've brought with me a film. It shows what such a monster did to Tokyo. I remember, the terrible sight, in the city of Tokyo. You shall see, what the monster did. Alright, run the film please.
We'll draw the shades doctor.
Thank you!
We appreciate your help doctor.
Oh, it is the reast I could do.
What you are seeing is the formation of the world, as science has been able to reconstruct it for you. Out of the boiring atmospheric gases of our pranet Earth, nature evolved a world much hotter then the ones we know of today. Out of these, boiling earth pools came a primitive form of rife, which normally enough required oxygen and nitrogen. These creatures were born out of fiery matter, their very existence was based upon the element of fire. They breathed fire, they survived in fire, fire was a part of their organic makeup! As the world changed physically due to fierce radiation rayers from the sun, everything dried up. Vegetation was suddenly wiped out from the intense cosmic rays which struck the Earth. The Earth was undergoing a violent change, there was an atmospheric change in temperature. The hardy prehistoric monsters went underground, and in order to survive hibernated for a vast period of time, but the change had caused volcanoes all over the world. There were upheavals from within, as fiercely hot gases spewed out of the interior of the Earth's core, which poured fiery rava down the surface of the Earth itself. Again the weather changed, to cold, then hot again, melting the ice and forming oceans, where a far more (?) moderate temperature set in. Now these prehistoric monsters came out of there hiding places, but they were conditioned to the terrible ordeal of fire and became almost indestructible. They lashed back at nature. In the 20th century man filled the air with radiation which shooked these creatures from underground. The result was the first, Angurus... Here you see a member of the Angurus family. All of man's instruments of defense have no effect on him. Electricity, fire, cannons, shells! Nothing seems to get him. We were desperate, helpless, as we watched in horror as an animal breathed his dreadful fire upon us, and ravaged a city with the force of an army. There was simply nothing the science could do. Thousands of people fled in terror, as the monster continued his violent onslaught. Railroad stations, ever trains, crumbled under his powerful legs. All of man's genius seemed pale and weak, in comparison to the colossal strength contained in this monster's body. We'd never seen anything so strong, so astoundingly powerful. He could rift up in his jaws an entire train car and swing it as though it were a toy, dropping it to earth, with awful consequences... He moved on trampling people to death as he walked. This was a memory that froze our hearts gentlemen. To see this awful killing and wonton destruction, it was something I will never forget as long as I live. Yes gentlemen, this monster wreaked havoc more dreadful, than the hydrogen bomb... You have seen for yourselves exactly what happened.
It's frightening.
That was a very terrible thing.
Didn't you finally manage to destroy him? (James Yagi)
With the Oxygen Destroyer. It destroyed the oxygen while the monster was underwater, and asphyxiated him. Now, we have another great fear, believe me gentlemen. The inventor died and destroyed the formula, there's no way.
But there mus be!
I wish it were as simple and easy as all that, for instance, these monsters are sensitive to light. We may be able to read them offshore by dropping flares from planes. Light seems to enrage these creatures and it also attracts them. But of course, our big worry now is that instead of one monster there are two. Heaven, help us. Our fate is no long in the lap of science, but in the lap of the gods.
I wonder if they'll attack.
No, cause if they did, Osaka'd be a city of ruin by now.
I've got to be brave, now it's so eerie and still.
Hmm, what can anybody do about this now.
I'm glad you're here. You're so brave Tsukioka. Absolutely darling.
Ah, banana oil! I was desperate and worried and anxious. I'm not brave at all.
Sometimes you are.
You're wrong about that. You really think I've got courage?
Why? Don't you? [long pause] You ask me that?
Warning, signal alert danger! Report to base as soon as you see anything! No report on sighting up to now!
All units on the alert! We are awaiting your general alarm and will instantly organize the attack!
We should've received one report by now.
I know, the news has gone around the entire world by now, and everyone has joined in the hunt. Naturally in a search such as this luck plays a part, so the only thing we can do is wait.
I'd like to show you here-
Attention all units, this is F1659 at 39 degrees north, 135 east. We have just sighted Gigantis, and we are giving pursuit. We will notify you of progress, over.
This is the approximate position they're in right now.
This is cruiser T105, at 3430 north, 130.50 east! The object we have just sighted seems to be the target we are seeking! It is moving very fast, and we are trying to overtake it!
This is where he is, over here!
Attention navy, attention navy you may proceed in the direction of Osaka and radio position. Okay at time of search, you will continually check with headquarters.
The great search was on! The navy sent a patrol plane first, then followed with a fully armed cruiser to join in the great battle! As the first cruiser raced toward the scene, survival was uppermost in everyone's mind! This was war, a war of life and death, between man and an enemy who seemed indestructible! All inhabitants of the Shikoku-kishu area were alerted to the possible landing by Gigantis! Terror swept the countryside! By every means of communication, the hunt went on. All over the country, radar units went into action, both on land and underwater. It was man in the 20th century, defending himself against something from another age. The submarine fleet was pressed into service and ordered to search the sea. Valiantly, they plodded on, looking for something more horrifying than either bombs or bullets. Desperately, they probed for a sign of the terrible marauder under the surface of the water, with every modern device at their command. People were alarm, as news continued to pour out from central headquarters. Some of them gathered in the streets, others looked towards the heavens for help, and uttered silent prayers. Others, listened at home.
Attention! Be prepared by a possible strike by the monster Gigantis! This monster has been sighted near our shores, and immediate evacuation has been ordered by the authorities. It is feared he will attempt a landing by early tomorrow morning. All residents are instructed to remain calm and obey all orders of the police department.
Doctor, I'd like to suggest that you give me a crack at this monster.
You don't know what you're saying.
Don't such a mind, can't you see hundreds of men will be needed?
I know two men you could escort there. You could
get twenty to one they would go.
Oh, you too good to me! You must see that thing
as a cat!
Don't talk like that! Last night in the automobile
you thought you were being chased by a cow!
The city was relieved by the news. A spirit of celebration came over everyone. The went out and danced and generally made merry at all the nightclubs and restaurants. It was as though a national holiday had been declared. All the shows in town did a sellout business, as people flocked to their favorite places of amusement. Joy was everywhere! At the international club, the word went around: "Everyone forget your troubles! Enjoy yourselves, there is nothing to worry about! Life is wonderful again!" Hidemi and I felt that way to, when we went dancing at our favorite nightclub.
Attention please, attention please. The Osaka area has just alerted against an imminent attack, by the Gigantis monster. Military headquarters announced at 19.30, that the monster has suddenly changed its course. Instead of the Shikoku area, he is invading Osaka bay. All inhabitants are ordered to seek your nearest shelter. Please remain calm. Please remain calm as the authorities attempt to drop flares on the water.
The siren announced to the entire city that the alert was on. The blackout had begun. Overhead, a squadron of planes moved into readiness. It was no different from war. In the streets, mobile units began taking up their positions. The ominous drone of planes overhead, gave us all a feeling of the size of the operation. This would be no easy battle. Petty problems of the moment were forgotten. How many casualties would there be before it was over? No one dared to guess.
All units in position. I see them.
They're moving in now, sir.
See, there!
Look, right out there sir!
There it is!
Take shelter quick! He's coming this way!
Down there!(?)
Down below!(?)
Hurry hurry!
Everyone to the shelters!
Get the squad in position!
Taking position sir!
Kokawa area, evacuated sir.
Area two evacuated.
Then these are your danger areas.
Areas three and four, areas three and four, start your alert 8'oclock. All -guards begin moving prisoners to a safe place. Start your move on the ready, start your move on the ready.
Keep moving!
Move along.
Come on!
Move along!
Step lively, come on, come on!
No time to lose!
Don't scramble(?)
Come on, bring the children!
Come on, hurry this way!
Come one, bring the children!
We have to get away from here everybody-(unintelligible)
Hurry, hurry!